Manufacturer according to GPSR BFT Verpackungen GmbH, Marzahner Chaussee 158-164, 12681 Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland,,
2,93 € *
0,0029 € per 1 pcs
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How we use cookies and other data
By selecting "Accept all", you give us permission to use the following services on our website: YouTube, Vimeo, Google Reviews, Loopingo, ReCaptcha, Adcell Marketing, Google Analytics 4, Google Ads Conversion Tracking, PayPal Express Checkout und Ratenzahlung. You can change the settings at any time (fingerprint icon in the bottom left corner). For further details, please see Individual configuration and our Privacy notice.
The settings you specify here are stored in the "local storage" of your device. The settings will be remembered for the next time you visit our online shop. You can change these settings at any time (fingerprint icon in the bottom left corner).
For more information on cookie lifetime and required essential cookies, please see the Privacy notice.
To view YouTube contents on this website,
you need to consent to the transfer of data and storage of third-party cookies by
YouTube (Google).
This allows us to improve your user experience and to make our
website better and more interesting.
Without your consent, no data will be transferred to YouTube.
However, you will also not be able to use the YouTube services on this website.
To view Vimeo contents on this website, you need to consent to the
transfer of data and storage of third-party cookies by Vimeo..
This allows us to improve your user
experience and to make our website better and more interesting.
Without your consent, no data will
be transferred to Vimeo. However, you will also not be able to use the Vimdeo services on this website.
To send data to Google, you need to consent to the transfer of data and storage of third-party cookies by Google. This allows us to improve your user experience and to make our website better and more interesting.
For our voucher offers, we use the services of loopingo
GmbH, Freibadstr. 30, 81543 Munich. To prepare the voucher, we transmit the
e-mail address to loopingo in encrypted and pseudonymized form (legal basis for
this is Art. 6 para.1 b, f DSGVO). The IP address, which is used by loopingo
exclusively for data security purposes, is usually anonymized after seven days.
In addition, we transmit order number, order value with currency, postal code,
gender and time stamp to loopingo in encrypted form for the preparation of the
offer. For optimization purposes, the order value and coupon code are also
transmitted. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 letter f) DSGVO
(legitimate interest in data processing). The legitimate interest arises from
our need to provide effective advertisements that make our website more
interesting for you and other potential customers and to optimize our
advertising costs. For more information on the processing of your data by
loopingo, please refer to the online privacy notices at
To submit forms on this page, you need to consent to the transfer of data and storage of third-party cookies by Google.
With your consent, reCAPTCHA, a Google service to avoid spam messages via contact forms, will be embedded.
This service allows us to provide our customers with a safe way to contact us via online forms. At the same time, the service prevents spam bots from compromising our services.
After you gave your permission, you might be asked to answer a security prompt to send the form.
If you do not consent, unfortunately you cannot use the form. Please contact us in a different way.
Google Analytics is een webanalyse-service die wordt aangeboden door Google Ireland Ltd ("Google"). Google gebruikt de verzamelde Gegevens om bij te houden en te onderzoeken hoe deze website/app gebruikt wordt, om rapporten over haar activiteiten op te stellen en deze te delen met andere Google-diensten. Google kan de verzamelde Gegevens gebruiken om de advertenties van zijn eigen advertentienetwerk te contextualiseren en te personaliseren.
Verzamelde gegevens: geanonimiseerd IP-adres, datum en tijd van het bezoek, gebruiksgegevens, klikpad, app-updates, browserinformatie, apparaatinformatie, JavaScript-ondersteuning, bezochte pagina's, verwijzende URL, locatie-informatie, aankoopactiviteit , widget-interacties
Doel van gegevensverwerking: Marketing (toestemming (AVG 6.1.a))
Rechtsgrondslag voor gegevensverwerking: Toestemming (AVG 6.1.a)
Gegevensoverdracht buiten de EU: Deze provider kan uw persoonlijke gegevens buiten de EER/EU overdragen, opslaan of verwerken. Deze landen hebben mogelijk niet hetzelfde niveau van gegevensbescherming en de handhaving van uw rechten kan beperkt of onmogelijk zijn.
Cookies die in uw browser zijn geplaatst:
730 dagen
730 dagen
Processing company:
Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4,IE
Met Google Ads Conversion Tracking kunnen we ons advertentiesucces in het Google-advertentienetwerk meten. Wij plaatsen advertenties in het advertentienetwerk van Google zodat onze aanbiedingen makkelijker gevonden kunnen worden. Wij proberen het adverteren zo optimaal mogelijk te maken. Ook om de advertentiekosten zo laag mogelijk te houden. Dit zie je terug in onze prijzen ;)
Verzamelde gegevens: willekeurig gegenereerde GEBRUIKERS-ID, klikpad, meten van de zichtbaarheid van advertenties, muisbeweging, tijdstempel, bijhouden van klikken op advertenties, bijhouden van conversies, IP, bijhouden van tijd en datum, bijhouden van gebruikerslocatie, bezoekersgedrag, gebruiker Agent, taal, bezochte website, tijdzone
Doel van gegevensverwerking: Marketing (toestemming (AVG 6.1.a))
Rechtsgrondslag voor gegevensverwerking: Toestemming (AVG 6.1.a)
Gegevensoverdracht buiten de EU: Deze provider kan uw persoonlijke gegevens buiten de EER/EU overdragen, opslaan of verwerken. Deze landen hebben mogelijk niet hetzelfde niveau van gegevensbescherming en de handhaving van uw rechten kan beperkt of onmogelijk zijn.
Processing company:
Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4,IE
In order to unlock offers for extended payment options, in particular express checkout and payment in instalments, we require your consent to the data transfer and storage of third-party cookies of the payment provider PayPal. This allows us to also offer you express checkout and payment by instalments. Without your consent, only the technically necessary data transfer to PayPal will take place, but you will then not be able to use the express checkout or extended offers for payment by instalments on this site.
Using express checkout and Displaying offers for payment in instalments for individual items or your entire purchase.
Would you like to see these contents? Activate the desired contents for one session only or allow the website to remember these settings. Once you have given your consent, the third-party data can be loaded. For this, third-party cookies might be stored on your device. You can change these settings at any time (fingerprint icon in the bottom left corner). For further details, please see the Privacy notice.