En artikkel i tidsskriftet Neue Verpackung 06/2024

A recently published article in the magazine Neue Verpackung 06/2024 and on the website www.neue-verpackung.de highlights the company BFT Verpackungen GmbH and its examination of the advantages and disadvantages of plastic packaging.

The article emphasizes that plastic packaging offers significant advantages in transport and storage due to its lightweight and flexibility, which can reduce both costs and environmental impact by lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, it provides an efficient barrier against air, moisture, and microorganisms, extending the shelf life of food and thus contributing to minimizing food waste.

Here is the link to the full article.

BFT Verpackungen GmbH

Partnership for Innovation: BFT Verpackungen GmbH and the FSIWS Food Startup Incubator Weihenstephan BFT Verpackungen GmbH, based in Berlin and specializing in sustainable and innovative packaging

BFT Verpackungen GmbH

A recently published article in the magazine Neue Verpackung 06/2024 and on the website www.neue-verpackung.de highlights the company BFT Verpackungen GmbH and its examination of the advantages and

BFT Verpackungen GmbH

The ritual of drinking tea is unavoidable in Asian countries, but not only there. Tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world and comes in virtually all shapes, colors, flavors and

BFT Verpackungen GmbH

Another highlight in every kitchen and for many foods: the vacuum seal bag. As it saves a lot of space and stores food better, this bag has become popular with manufacturers and consumers. Here

BFT Verpackungen GmbH